How Awesome is Being a Part of My VIP Reader Street Team? Effing Awesome, That's How Much...

I realized that I talk a lot in my newsletter about how awesome it is to be part of my VIP Reader Street Team. Then, I realized that without knowing what happens there, you' couldn’t possibly understand the degree of awesomeness.

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So, here’s the deal: I started my VIP Reader Street Team after I released Snapdragon and Chrysalis in 2017. Snapdragon was my debut novel—when I released it, I had no fans, no awards, no reviews…no track record whatsoever. Anyone who read it was taking a chance on me and I really, really appreciated those who did. That’s where my habit of doing great giveaways for my most faithful readers and reviewers was born. I wanted to show generosity to those who had done the same toward me.

I’m not new anymore, or unproven. But I do recognize how large a commitment it is to write thoughtful reviews, and to do so on multiple platforms, as I continue to see my most dedicated fans continue to do. As a result, I reserve my very best perks and giveaways for the VIP group. Here are the kinds of perks my VIPs enjoy:

  • ARCs (Advance Reader Copies) - I only give these out to my VIP team.

  • The Very Best Giveaway Prizes - I’ve given away Amazon Echo Dots, $50 Amazon Gift Cards, my very favorite $45-a-bottle shower gel, and other high-value gifts. The biggest gifts always go to my VIP super-fans.

  • The Signed Book of Your Choice - Do you want a paperback signed by me? If you’re part of my VIP team, I’ll send you one, wherever in the world you are.

  • First Dibs on Bonus Content - My lost and cut scenes from published work, first looks at previews of my upcoming work, first looks at cover art, etc.

So, here’s what you need to do, to join: show me that you’re a super-fan by doing the following:

See? It’s easy. If you’re a dedicated fan, chances are you’ve already been doing this on your own.

Once you are approved, you’ll be added to my VIP mailing list and you’ll receive special messages in addition to the messages that go out to my standard mailing list. Magic-filled special messages, because that’s how it works.

And, guys, I love my VIP mailing list. My very favorite part of being an author has been getting to know my fans and I’m doing more signings and other events this year because that’s how much I love hanging out with cool people and meeting my readers. So, if you love my work, please, please, please join. I would love to bring you into the fold. I have the very best fans in the world!

